Thursday, May 7, 2015

A Day of Rest and Toilets

My day of rest turned out to be one of the most exciting and productive yet...I finally found my toilet. Yes, for two weeks I have been actively on the search for an old, used toilet. And today, I came across two! Of course, I only took one and with some hauling help I brought it back to Slocumb. A through cleaning ensued and then I just went at it. I applied used clay (pots that had been formed and discarded to one day be reprocessed) to the entire surface of the toilet, then followed that up with a smoothing of the entire thing, though the inside I decided to leave rough. After dinner I finished up the surface and filled in the rest of the wall. A very exciting day, as I have been looking forwarding to this experiment for a while. *May 7, 2015 - 9:30pm*
P.S. The two videos below are time lapses of me working on the toilet today! Fun stuff man!

1 comment:

  1. I am curious about why, exactly, you wanted to put clay on an old toilet, but I am sure all will be revealed. I trust you.
