Sunday, May 17, 2015

Weekly Reflection

My plan and vision for the installation has changed quite a bit this week, but I have been pleasantly surprised with the outcome. Hanging up the fabric for the "sky" was a real turning point, softening and creating a space of my own. The most frustrating part of my week was figuring out where the tiles were going to go and struggling to get them in and out of the wall. Although the result was distinctly different from what I had envisioned, in the end I am much happier with how it looks. Once I had decided to change my plan for the tiles, I then was faced with a new problem: what to do with a large empty wall. My first idea was to hang fabric strips which I made and hung up, but after hanging the ceiling fabric up the space felt so different that I decided to change my plan for that wall completely. Instead I continued my paper theme from the back wall, and continued to collage away. So far the result is lovely, but I am not done yet! On the agenda for this week: finish collage on left wall, finish up gluing toilet (gravity is both natural and frustrating), finish up floor displays, sweep, spot paint floor, arrange sitting area, set up "mailbox", collect notes for "mailbox", come up with a title/put title somewhere, and write up what it is all about! Ahh so close, yet so far away!

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