Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Where Did All That Mod Podge Go?

First off - a picture of my set up at mud pond and a quick video that demonstrates how beautiful mornings are there (sound is a MUST for this).

My plan for today was to squeeze lots of work into the small window of time before heading off to our tennis match. However, an early arrival in the AM gave provided plenty of time to tear up a few more books, glaze a few bowls and paste said books up on the back wall of the installation space. I also measured the ceiling size, picked out a fabric to cover it with and gathered a trash bag full of pine cones from outside the math office. Kate and I had a few moments of realization, that lead us to decide that it will be better for me to work only on the indoor installation space. That way I can spend more time making it into what I want and we don't have to worry so much about squeezing in all of the firings. In the evening, I trimmed my six vases, tore up more books and continued to paste. Which is a bit harder with Elmer's glue, now that all that mod podge is gone. The image below is from mid-day...always more work to's all in the details. *May 6, 2015 - 10:20pm*

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