Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Wrapping it all up!

Friday was spent getting ready for the art show. Helping people mat work, placing and moving pottery and grabbing appetizers from the dining hall. It was an exhausting and busy day. I also explained my art installation to my tennis team...great preparation for my plans this week, telling Daisy what it all means and working on a video with Ethney for my environmental concentration capstone project. This week was, again, very successful. I finished my installation, wrote a detailed installation statement and video taped/edited peoples reactions to my installation into a 10 minute video. I learned how to mat studio art work and helped many people finish off their art for the term. And I did my final round(s) of glazing for my time here a Proctor. There were no breaks this week, even though the vast bulk of my work and hours were already done. There is always more to do, at least when you're Frances O'Gorman. For now here is my own video, for those of you dying to know "what is means" this may help without me personally explaining everything to you.  *May 24, 2015 - 10:30 pm*  What it all means. Deciphering an installation.

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